A Fork In Time: The Alternate History Podcast

A Fork In Time: The Alternate History Podcast

  • 256 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Dec 22, 2021
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Episode 0051—The Clay Continuum

Apr 30, 2020 E51 00:17:33

Send a Message to the Team

In our ever-evolving efforts to see how new things will work for the podcast, this episode features a detailed "fork" that flows from Henry Clay winning the 1840 US Presidential election from frequent contributor Brant Frost.

We are asking our listeners to consider Brant's timeline and respond with their thoughts via the website or send us an e-mail with our feedback.
Direct Link to Episode Feedback:https://www.aforkintimepodcast.com/clay-continuum

In a future episode, we will have Brant on to "defend" his timeline or respond to listener questions/feedback.  If this works well, we will do it some more and hopefully with other contributors.

Website: www.aforkintimepodcast.com
E-Mail: aforkintimepodcast@gmail.com
Direct Link to Listener Survey: https://www.aforkintimepodcast.com/listenersurvey

If you enjoy the podcast, you can help by supporting us via Patreon.

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Theme Music: Conquer by Shane Ivers - https://www.silvermansound.com

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