Apr 16, 2021
Send a Message to the TeamAs the podcast starts its second century of episodes, we bring listeners up-to-speed on current and future happenings and request a response to a couple of timely matters.
Complete the Episode 101 Survey
Apr 09, 2021
Send a Message to the TeamFor our 100th episode, Chris Coppola joins to help us do what we have tried to do so many times before--find an alternate timeline that avoids World War II. This time we will talk about designing the fork in time that could.
Apr 03, 2021
Send a Message to the Team1492 marked the beginning of many things "new", including the discovery of a New World by Christopher Columbus sailing under the banner of a newly-united and soon-to-be ascending Spain.
In this third episode on...
Mar 27, 2021
Send a Message to the TeamIn May 1992, Johnny Carson stepped down in his role as host of NBC's "The Tonight Show". The scramble for the role as his replacement and subsequent new shows spawned from that scramble changed the landscape of la...
Mar 20, 2021
Send a Message to the TeamEpisode 0097—AFIT Archive: No PARCing
The podcast is taking a "spring break", but we thought an episode from the "early days" that many of our new listeners might have heard might a good idea. We are...
Mar 12, 2021
Send a Message to the TeamVietnamese revolutionary lead Ho Chi Minh is said to have twice approached the United States seeking assistance in gaining independence from France as a colonial power.
How would the course of history have been differen...
Mar 08, 2021
Send a Message to the TeamOn January 3, 1896, Germany's Kaiser Wilhelm II sent a telegram to Transvaal Republic President, Johannes Kruger congratulating him on the recent success in repelling an attack from British raiders. In the real timeline, th...
Mar 01, 2021
Send a Message to the Team1492 marked the beginning of many things "new", including the discovery of a New World by Christopher Columbus sailing under the banner of a newly-united and soon-to-be ascending Spain.
In this second of severa...
Feb 20, 2021
Send a Message to the TeamIn the early 1950s, Jonas Salk and other scientists led the effort to develop and deploy an effective vaccine against polio. In subsequent decades, significant progress was made to eradicate other diseases through the developmen...
Feb 13, 2021
Send a Message to the Team1492 marked the beginning of many things "new", including the discovery of a New World by Christopher Columbus sailing under the banner of a newly-united and soon-to-be ascending Spain.
In this first of several...