A Fork In Time: The Alternate History Podcast

A Fork In Time: The Alternate History Podcast

  • 256 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Dec 22, 2021
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256 Latest episodes

Jun 14, 2019 E05 00:31:29

Send a Message to the TeamJune 6th 1944 is remembered as one of the most decisive dates in 20th-century history and perhaps of all time as Allied forces land on the beaches of Normandy, France to begin the drive that leads to the final defeat of Germany i...

Jun 07, 2019 E04 00:40:06

Send a Message to the TeamToday, every scandal almost automatically gets “gate” as a suffix thanks to the Watergate Scandal of the 1970s.  But, how would things have been different if the break-in had not become public knowledge and the Nixon presidency h...

May 31, 2019 E03 00:25:42

Send a Message to the TeamIn the early 5th century BC, an epic clash between the Persian Empire and the Greeks stands as the point where much of what will become “Western” culture hangs in the balance.  Two battles in particular, Thermopylae and Salamis a...

May 24, 2019 E02 00:35:47

Send a Message to the TeamEnglish history only knows one King Arthur--a mystical figure around which much legend is built.  But, there was an opportunity for another Arthur to have ruled in England except for his untimely death as a 15-year-old, newly-wed...

May 18, 2019 E01 00:20:32

Send a Message to the TeamIt is June 1776 and a plot is brewing in the city of New York to assassinate George Washington.  How different would American history be if loose lips hadn’t exposed the plot and the “The Indispensable Man” is lost?Listeners can...

May 05, 2019 00:01:50

Send a Message to the TeamA brief introduction to A Fork In Time: The Alternate History Podcast, including background on the reason for the podcast and what to expect.

First full episodes are targeted for late May 2019.Support the show
