A Fork In Time: The Alternate History Podcast

A Fork In Time: The Alternate History Podcast

  • 256 Episodes
  • English
  • Last updated Dec 22, 2021
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256 Latest episodes

Sep 29, 2023 E181 00:48:42

Send a Message to the TeamThe team explores a reverse "what if" where the 1947 Roswell Incident is an alien spacecraft, and the public becomes aware.

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Sep 22, 2023 E180 01:15:31

Send a Message to the TeamThe team explores one of our favorite ways to create a fork by changing the medical outcome for a US President.  In this case, James Garfield goes on to actually serve as President beyond a few short months.

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Sep 15, 2023 E179 01:03:17

Send a Message to the TeamAs we reboot the podcast following our hiatus, the team launches a fun look at an alternate timeline where Ian Fleming does not live to be the author of spy novels about Bond, James Bond.

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Jun 26, 2023 E178 00:53:35

Send a Message to the TeamDon and Chris explore a path in deploying nuclear energy in the United States without the 1979 Three Mile Island accident.

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Jun 11, 2023 E177 00:46:18

Send a Message to the TeamThe team explores some of what might have happened if Joan of Arc did not survive the Seige of Orleans and thus a victory by English and allied forces.

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Jun 03, 2023 E176 00:48:35

Send a Message to the TeamEric B, Robert C., and Dylan H explore a timeline where William of Montferrat lives to lead the Kingdom of Jerusalem after the death of Baldwin IV.

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Apr 14, 2023 E175 00:41:01

Send a Message to the TeamEric B. and Don explore some possibilities of a timeline without Jim Henson's untimely early death.

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Apr 10, 2023 E174 00:51:54

Send a Message to the TeamEric, Chris, and Don explore the first of a couple of forks where William McKinley survives his September 1901 assassination.

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Mar 10, 2023 E173 01:04:21

Send a Message to the TeamEpisode 0173—Weekend at Woodrow's

The newest member of the team, Dylan Holzemer, joins Chris and Eric R. as they explore a different 1917 and forward with a public Woodrow Wilson stroke.
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Mar 05, 2023 E172 01:02:42

Send a Message to the TeamBack from a longer break than expected, the team explores the ripples from a different timeline change of leadership in the Soviet Union in the early 1990s.

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